Late version 2.4 The final battle of eternity
In the latter half of 2.4, a new casino prize “Dollar Goal / Sky” was added.
It is an item that allows you to change the BGM when you get on the dollar board to a “flying bed”.
Casino prize “Dollar Goal / Sky”
BGM change by attaching to the dollar goal / empty dollar board
Rarity A / Cannot be sold in stores / Cannot be traded
The number of exchanges is 100,000.
It is a one-time prize with blue letters.
Compared to general prizes, the number is a little larger …
But with today’s relaxed casinos, it’s likely to be reachable if you have the time.
Dollar board BGM setting
Custom shop decory (D-4)
That’s … it’s a
dollar goal, empty!
You have something nice!
Attached to the dollar board at Mr. Decorie in Gatara, Taketo.
After that, when you go out and get on the dollar board, the BGM becomes a “flying bed”.
Subsequent BGM changes are from “Sakusen”.
“Dollar board BGM setting” has been added to the menu of “Character setting” → “Dollar board setting”, so you can select “None” or “Yes”.
BGM “Flying Bed”
・“Dragon Quest X” major update preview video “version 2.3 start” -YouTube
The song “Flying Bed” is the BGM of the vehicle used in Drakue 6.
If you want to know what kind of song it is, go to the PV of version 2.3 from the link above.
You can see it at “Bingo is open in the casino !!”
In the first half, it’s like hitting a xylophone at a good tempo.
I actually changed it, but it looks like Dragon Quest.
Even when the map is moved or after the battle is over, it is properly played from the continuation.
In Drakue 6, the same song is played when riding on a magic carpet.
So if you change the dollar board form to “magic carpet”, it seems to be more compatible.
・ Magic carpet prism (50,000 sheets)
・ Dollar goal ・ Sky (100,000 sheets)
If you put both together, you need 150,000 casino coins …
Along with the prisms that are being added one after another, I’m looking forward to the addition of new dollar goals in the future.
» Dragon Quest Blue Sky Soura Volume 3 of the
benefits gesture term” tsukkomi “with
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